
Who I Work With

If you are an Autistic adult (or think you may be) and looking to better understand yourself, recognize and name your wounds/trauma, and walk through the healing process, you're in the right place. I am not the person to go to if you're looking for behavioral interventions or ways to help you be "normal," rather the person to go to if you're looking for self understanding, acceptance, and healing. I am not here to "fix" you or put you in a box, I am here to be a support as you work to discover and create your identity as someone who is neurodivergent but wants to be seen as more than that. I work with people with a desire to do the work to make meaningful connections within themselves as well as let go of what is holding them back.

Many of my clients describe feeling isolated, ostracized, or like they're not good enough. These feelings are common for people with a lifetime of experiences in which you are misunderstood, told to be different, or not provided necessary resources, and that can leave you with deep-set beliefs that you are less-than, incapable, unloveable, etc.. Beyond that, you may feel like the only way to be accepted or perceived as "normal" is by masking the things about you that make you different. Society has a way of shaming people for being different, and that can leave deep wounds that often go unchecked. If you're ready to rebel against that and feel more comfortable in your skin, I'm ready to help you get there. 

Some of my clients come to me recognizing they have neurological differences experiencing feelings of shame, sadness, uneasiness, or just the need to talk to someone about what they're feeling. Some clients come already diagnosed with autism and/or ADHD, and some come with a suspicion due to recognizing traits congruent with those diagnoses. It's okay if you don't have a formal diagnosis or your experience doesn't look or feel "typical." You deserve to have this space to feel seen and heard. You deserve support.

What to Expect

Emailing me to set up an appointment is always best! After you email me, we will agree on a time for our initial appointment, then I'll send you the link for virtual sessions and the client portal to fill out paperwork. This paperwork includes questionnaires to help me get an idea of your history and your current challenges.

Our first session will be up to 60-75 minutes of us chatting and talking through your paperwork to get a full understanding of who you are, where you came from, and what you're experiencing that led you to seek help. At the end of this session, we'll discuss your goals and what you're looking to get out of therapy moving forward. 

Subsequent sessions are up to 50 minutes, unless we negotiate otherwise. I firmly believe that you are the expert of your experience, and with that I let you dictate what is important for you to talk about and focus on in sessions. For some clients that looks like talking through their week, for some it's analyzing specific difficult experiences from their past, and for many it's somewhere in between My approach is collaborative; I want to empower you to navigate your own journey and I am here to support you through it.

As someone who is educated and experienced working in mental health and with people who are neurodivergent, I offer a unique perspective and approach. Many therapists lack an understanding of what neurodivergence looks like and how it can affect a person's functioning and overall experience, which often leads to the client not being fully seen and the therapist trying to work around differences rather than with them. I understand that neurodiversity is a part of you, not necessarily who you are. Even if you are in the camp that claims the label "Autistic," I want therapy to be a place that you can proudly wield that title and show up as your whole self with every other identity you hold. 

I use talk therapy based in Person-Centered Therapy, and I often incorporate Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) into my practice. Person-Centered approach emphasizes the therapists' empathy, unconditional positive regard, and genuineness. I aim for my clients to feel heard and understood as their full selves, and from there find the places they want to heal and how they want to grow. Many of my clients find that they hold deep maladaptive beliefs of unworthiness or inadequacy. For them, EMDR is used to process those beliefs and heal from them. If you want more information on EMDR, head over to the "About EMDR" tab. 

ASD Support Group

This group is be for folks who are officially diagnosed, self diagnosed, or questioning a diagnosis of Autism and who have low support needs. It is a space for people to feel heard as well as hear from others with similar experiences. Participants' boundaries are not pushed nor are they forced to contribute. I don't want anyone to get overwhelmed and I want everyone to feel as comfortable and in control as possible.

This group is held virtually on every other Tuesday at 7:30.

Sign up here

The Nitty Gritty

Services through Support Not Solution, PLLC are for individuals with a permanent address in NC who are interested in virtual sessions only.


My price is $140 for the initial session (up to 75 minutes) and $120 for subsequent sessions (up to 50 minutes). 

I accept Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, United Healthcare, and Cigna.

Group sessions are $20 per person. However, if money is an issue for you and group is important to you, please reach out to work something out.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made no less than 24 hours prior to session. Any cancellations within 24 hours or no shows will be charged for the full session, not just your copay. 


If you are interested in services, please contact me via email at